Monday, May 12, 2008

Staying Above Water

One of those strangely vivid yet hard to place memories I have from my childhood is watching an older man— I don’t know who— floating in the water while I was swimming next to him and trying to mimic his movements. I remember watching him expand his chest and exhale while keeping his body afloat like it was the most precise and exacting of arts. No matter how accurately I recreated his technique, I found that it made no difference in the way I floated. But there he remained, bobbing in the water, only his face and stomach breaking the surface.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your site after i googled "staying afloat while swimming" and i'm not sure if you realised this, but despite the supposed simplicity in your topic, there is a rather powerful concept.

The memory in itself is likely just as result of a strong emotional event in childhood (trying and failing to master something which seems easy for someone else); beneath the 'surface'. This can be viewed rather existentially (quite like most things) - We often try despairingly to conquer what we consider trials in our lives, feeling like cant "stay above water"; seldom acknowledging what we have already conquered.

You may or may not think this is a load of BS but ...i typed it anyway :)