When you really stop to think about it, Winnie the Pooh is probably the wisest, fictional stuffed bear you will ever encounter in your lifetime. It’s hard to believe, but the evidence is simply overwhelming. In fact, I will be so bold as to say that Ghandi had nothing on Winnie. (This Ghandi, not this one.)
Now, before you (whoever "you" are) get the wrong impression of me, I am not, nor have I ever considered myself one of those people who cling to overtly childish memorabilia even as the passing of time dictates that they should have stopped sleeping with a Hello Kitty (cringe) pillow many years ago. The reality of the situation is that my younger brothers and sisters were watching an old VHS (!!) of Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day and I have had that damned song stuck in my head for weeks. And henceforth, a blog would be born, and it would be christened Blustery Day. Not that I don’t appreciate the big Poohmister. (See above adulation.)
This brings us to the subject of my blog. Blustery Day is the result of several failed attempts to create a blog for myself (If a blog is deleted, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?). I have this unfounded fear that somehow a post I might make would offend some psychopathic blog enthusiast and he/she would hyperlink their way to my name and address and I would find myself the victim of a bloody massacre. However, my secret love of blogs and a dash of inspiration from a good friend have led me to making (and not deleting) Blustery Day.
I have no real plans for this as I have never really attempted something like this before. But I hope that in some way, this blog will help to make my life just a little less blustery.
3 days ago
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