Wednesday, November 5, 2008

By the way...

One half of a peach is all I need.
And a handful of sunflower seeds will be enough.

And I have always wanted a rocking chair—
Since you asked, I would want it to creak
When I rocked back and forth, like it knew
that I only wanted it to talk me to sleep.

Three hundred pages are all I need.
And if not, two hundred will be enough.

And I have always wanted to write,
Since you asked. A thick tome that would
Rest on a back corner shelf where its gold
Embossed letters would shine on their own.

Two gold hoop earrings are all I need.
And my frizzy brown hair will be enough.

And I have always wanted to see what it’s like,
Since you asked, to cut all of it off— feel my fuzzy
trimmed scalp and know that you like me the same
as when my hair, tangled in gold, made me beautiful.

Four or five centuries of knowledge are all I need.
And a simple white T-shirt will be enough.

And I know I can’t dance or sing well.
Since you asked, I do both anyway.
And now you know who I am
And I hope
that for you,
it is enough.

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