A shadowed earth—
the darkness painting and covering
its dips and swells,
its plains and shady forests.
Erratic spider webs of dotted light
are a beacon of humanity.
They reach for one another—
tendriled arms of mottled amber,
green and yellow fade
and are consumed in darkness.
Yet elsewhere—
even in the purest of the black,
there remains a persistent cluster
of light, like a rebellious celebration.
And the pulse of this lighted center
is living and spreading.
Until the black is not so dark
and the surface of the world
is cased in golden netting.
And then you can see
how we have made this place our home.
And it seems
that perhaps we are better in the dark.
That when given the chance, we make our light.
And it is truly beautiful.
2 days ago
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