• Ignorant people (the kind who are ignorant by choice, not by circumstance) are perhaps the most infuriating and obnoxious sort of people out there. Fortunately for me, my school is full of them. *sigh*
• Sarah Palin kind-of-sort-of if-you-tilt-your-head-to-the-side-and-squint looks like my mom… and my grandma is telling everybody and their mailman about it.
• Speaking of Sarah Palin, it is not possible for anyone who is concerned about the role of women in our society to question her ability to simultaneously have children and be the vice president. This kind of mentality is not only a sexist view of working women, it is an affront to the stay-home fathers and husbands of those working women whose competence is questioned because the woman who would traditionally have been doing their job has a different career. Women are perfectly capable of producing high quality work at their jobs, without losing the title of ‘mother’ or abandoning their family, just as men are perfectly capable of staying home with their children, and taking care of the hundreds of other tasks involved in raising a family. Either way, it is a team effort. The Palin family will not disintegrate if Sarah is elected. In fact, they seem better off than many families who are not fortunate enough to have two loving and capable parents who are secure enough in themselves and their families to sustain a role reversal. (If it can even be called a reversal… Sarah has been a working mom for many years prior to her candidacy—all the more proof that her family will be just fine.)
• I love my sister, I really do. She is absolutely irreplaceable. But when she rolls her eyes and feigns apathy during an argument, I just about want to bring her back to the store for a refund.
• My Sarah Palin look-a-like mom continues to introduce me to complete strangers (who could not care less about my extracurricular activities) as the “Editor in Chief of the school newspaper”. This is even more embarrassing than when she asks the tour guides during college visits (in front of the whole group) “how many students attend Catholic mass on Sunday, because my daughter’s faith is very important to her”. *slams head on desk*
• I have heard that the torture methods used at Guantanamo Bay included forcing the inmates to do obnoxiously long math homework. This does’t surprise me considering that they do the same thing at my torture chamber… I mean, high school.
2 days ago
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